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Pharmacy Technician Training
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Pharmacy Technician Degrees

West Virginia pharmacy technician wearing white lab coatStudents desiring to enroll in a pharmacy technician school are qualified as long as they have a high school diploma or equivalent. There are essentially 2 options to becoming a tech regardless if you enroll in a community college or a vocational school. The first is to earn a diploma or a certificate, which typically can be accomplished in a year or less. These programs present an overview to the various facets of pharmacology and pharmaceutical technology and usually include classroom and lab training. Many programs also include an internship at an accepted West Virginia pharmacy or similar facility. The second option is the Associate Degree program which normally takes about 2 years of studies. Although not required for most entry level positions, it does provide a more extensive education and opens doors to more advanced positions or education in the future. Each program should furnish the proper amount of training to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam should the graduate decide to get certified.

Pharmacy Technician Online Programs

West Virginia female student enrolled in pharmacy technician classes onlinePrior to deciding on a pharmacy technician online program, it's important to understand that the majority of schools do require that a substantial part of the training be conducted in a clinical setting. This is commonly fulfilled in an area West Virginia pharmacy or hospital through an internship program. Students in most cases will have the benefit of working with a seasoned pharmacy tech so as to get some real world experience. Fortunately the non-clinical portion of the training may be taken over the internet in your West Virginia home or via any available computer. This option is more accommodating for many students, notably for those who continue to work while earning their degree or certificate. And online schools are often less expensive than traditional options. Tuition and expenditures for driving and course materials can be decreased substantially. With both the clinical and the online training, a comprehensive education is offered. But not all online colleges are accredited, which is essential for securing employment and certification (more on accreditation later). So check that each online program you are reviewing is accredited by a recognized accrediting agency, for instance the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). If you are disciplined enough to learn with a less formal type of education, then online classes may be the ideal solution for you.

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